Is the causes (Predisposing factors,Enabling/disabling factors ,Precipitating factors ,Reinforcing factors)sufficient for diseases formation?
The disease is a physiological
process that disrupts our normal life. That is, the disease is the opposite of
well-being. We can get sick due to several factors. Such as:
1. Predisposing factors.
2. Enabling. (Enabling /
disabling factors)
3. Precipitating factor.
4. Reinforcing factor.
Predisposing factors: Age, sex, genetic problems These are
collectively called predisposing factors. As a person ages, the efficiency of
the body decreases. As a result, the immune system becomes weak. As a result,
various diseases occur.In addition, various sexually transmitted diseases, such
as syphilis, gonorrhea, AIDS, etc., are spread during sexual intercourse. Since
our genitals are very sensitive and exposed, these germs can easily enter our
bodies and cause disease. We can also be affected by various genetic problems. Examples
are color-blindness, hemophilia, thalassemia. All of these diseases are passed
on through genes. According to Mendel's formula, a person can have all these
diseased genes in either dominant character or recessive character in any way. Those
who have these genes as dominant characters show signs of disease, that is,
they are infected, while those who have these genes as recessive characters do
not show signs of disease, but they act as carriers. Thus genes can spread the
disease from one generation to the next.
Enabling/disabling factors: Financial ability can be one of the leading causes of disease. The main way to keep the body disease-free is to keep the body healthy. And the body needs the necessary nutrition and a balanced diet for health. When the body does not get the necessary balanced food, the body's immune system becomes weak. Then different germs can easily attack the body. And the money needed to meet this malnutrition demand. Moreover, if you fall ill, the disease becomes more complicated due to the lack of proper treatment.
factors: Precipitating factors are the possibility of being infected by a
particular germ. In contact with germs such as measles,
mumps, smallpox, etc., these germs can easily enter the body and cause disease.
Reinforcing factors: Reinforcing factors: Repeated
attacks by the same factor cause the disease to adapt to the body's immune
system so that the body cannot take any effective action against the disease. These
is called Reinforcing factors. For example, if you do not finish the dose of
antibiotics after being infected by the virus, the disease adapts itself to
those antibiotics. As a result, the disease can no longer be prevented by
In the light of the above
discussion, it can be said that the described factors are sufficient to cause
the disease.
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