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Pharmaceutical Technology


Drug delivery systems refer to the technology utilized to present the drug to the desired body site for drug release and absorption.

What is a sustained release Drug Delivery systems?


Drug Delivery systems that are designed to achieve prolonged therapeutic effect by continuously releasing medication over an extended period of time after administration of single dose.” Basic goal of the therapy to achieve steady state blood level that is therapeutically effective & non toxic for an extended period of time.

What is the Characteristics of Drugs which have to avoid to prepare sustaine release drug dosage form?



1.   Those which are absorbed and excreted rapidly; short  biological half life(<1 hr).  Ex- Penicillin G , Furosemide. 

2.   Those with long biologic half life(>12 hrs). Ex-  Diazepam, Phenytoin. 

3.   For those which require large doses(>1 gm)    Ex- Sulfonamides.  

4.   Extensive  binding  of  drugs  to plasma  proteins  will  have  long elimination half life and such drugs generally do not  require to be formulated to sustaine release drug dosage form.

5.   Those with cumulative action and undesirable  side effects. Ex-Phenobarbital 

6.   Those with low therapeutic indices. ex-  Digitoxin. 

7.   Those requiring precise dosage titration for  every individual. Ex- Warfarin, Digitoxin.

8.   In general a very highly soluble drug or a highly  insoluble drug are undesirable for formulation  into sustaine release drug dosage form product. 



What is the main AIM of preparing sustained release formulation?


The main AIM of preparing sustained release formulation’s was intended to modify and improve the drug performance by –

1.   Increasing the duration of drug action.

2.    Decreasing the frequency of dosing.

3.    Decreasing the required dose employed.

4.    Providing uniform drug delivery.


What is the advantage of sustain release drug?


1.   Reduction In blood level fluctuations of drug,thus better management of the disease.

2.   Reduction in dosing frequency.

3.   Enhanced patient convenience and compliance.

4.   Reduction in adverse effects (both systemic and local).

5.   Reduction in healthcare costs.

6.   Improved efficiency of treatment.

7.   Reduces nursing and hospitalizing time.

8.   Maximum bioavailability with a minimum dose.

9.    Minimize drug accumulation with chronic dosing.

10.                   Cure or control condition more promptly.

11.                   Make use of special effects, e.g.Treatment of Arthritis.




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