List of VITAMIN Deficiency Diseases
Following is a list of major deficiency diseases that occur due to lack of essential minerals and vitamins: “Deficiency diseases are diseases that are caused by the lack of certain essential nutrients, especially vitamins and minerals, in one’s diet over a prolonged period of time.” Types of Vitamins Deficiency Diseases A (Retinol) Night blindness B1 (Thiamine) Beri-beri B2 (Riboflavin) Retarded growth, bad skin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) Anaemia C (Ascorbic acid) Scurvy D (Calciferol) Rickets K (Phylloquinone) Excessive bleeding due to injury Types of Minerals Deficiency Diseases Calcium Brittle bones, excessive bleeding Phosphorus Bad teeth and bones Iron Anaemia Iodine Goitre, enlarged thyroid gland Copper Low appetite, retarded growth Vitamin Deficiency Diseases Vitamin is a micronutrient that is not prepared by the body in sufficient amounts. This is the reason why it is necessary to take in from outside sources for the normal functioning of the body. Inadequate intake of vitamins resul...