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Paragraph on Pastime

 Question: Answer the following questions to form a continuous paragraph. (100 words)

What is a pastime?

What are the common pastimes in our country?

What are the favorite pastimes in some other country?

Are there any pastimes that are common all over the world?

What is your favorite pastime?

Answer: Pastime is leisure time pursuits. In order to maintain a balance between the body and mind, and to keep them fit for work, the pastime is necessary for all. The common leisure pursuits of the young and old people of Bangladesh include taking part in games and sports, rowing boats, swimming, visiting different places, enjoying cinemas, and watching TV programs. The leisure pursuits of the old are morning walks, visiting neighbors’ houses, and watching TV. The Chinese spend their pastimes visiting parks and enjoying acrobatic performances. Baseball, golf, and martial arts such as judo and karate are especially popular pastimes with men in Japan. In Canada skiing, fishing, boating, swimming, hunting, hiking, camping, and bird-watching are popular pastimes. Traveling, dancing in the clubs, long drive, hiking, walking visiting families, friends and relatives are the common pastimes in Germany. However, watching TV is the most common pastime all over the world. My favorite pastime is reading novels. The novels of Humayun Ahmed attract me the most.



The thing we do regularly for enjoyment rather than work is called pastime. In other words, pastime means one’s activities in one’s leisure. It differs from place to place. In our country pastime varies in respect of locality. In the village, we see men pass their leisure by chatting. They also indulge in some games and sports namely ha-du-du, boat race, kiting, etc. Some village people have their pastimes by doing social activities. Some take part in cultural activities like ‘Jatra, Jari-gan,’ etc. In the town, we see people have their pastimes by taking part in the discussion on political issues at tea stalls. In this scientific era, their pastime has changed. They are fond of spending their leisure before television. They watch programs on different satellite channels. The younger generation is very much fond of cricket and hence they prefer sports channels. The women in the city area are fond of watching drama and films on television. The Chinese spend their time with their family members in parks. The Japanese love sports and spend their time playing baseball, golf, and practicing martial arts. Students spend their leisure in English clubs or art clubs or doing skateboarding. Thus pastimes vary from region to region. The pastimes which are common all over the world are watching television, reading novels, collecting stamps, sightseeing, gardening, walking, gossiping, fishing, going on picnics, etc. I have a keen interest in photography. That is why it is my favorite pastime.




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