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English model test-1 (Class 6)

English model test-1
Class 6
time:1 hour

 Read the text carefully and answer questions .

My first day at the new school was interesting. I was going to school with my father in a rickshaw. We reached school after fifteen minutes. My father said good bye and left me at the school gate. I went in and found that everyone had gone to class. I walked into my classroom and found a seat. After sometime a teacher came and warmly greeted us. I found the students very friendly in my new class.

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives.                     .5 × 10 = 5

(a) The passage deals with .

  (i)  the speaker's first day at his friend's house

  (ii) the speaker's personality

  (iii) the first day at school of the speaker's friend

  (iv) the speaker's first day at school

(b) He reached school fifteen minutes.

  (i) in time                                    (ii) early

  (iii) after                                     (iv) on time

(c) He went to school .

  (i) by rickshaw                            (ii) on foot

  (iii) by bus                                  (iv) by car

(d) Who did he go to school with?

  (i)   mother                                 (ii) father

  (iii) uncle                                    (iv) parents

(e) The students of the new class were—.

  (i) hardly                                     (ii) friendly

  (iii) coldly                                    (iv) firmly

 (f) interesting

  (i)   complicated           (ii) critical 

  (iii) dull                      (iv) fascinating 

(g) seat

  (i)   a place for sitting        (ii) table

  (iii) gate                          (iv) window

(h) greet

  (i)   command             (ii) drift 

  (iii) welcome      (iv) control 

(i)  warmly

  (i)   cordially         (ii)  confused 

  (iii) upset                      (iv) agitated 

(j)  found

  (i) most                          (ii) utmost 

  (iii) saw                          (iv) actually 

2. Answer the following questions. 2 × 5 = 10

(a) How was the speaker going to his new school?          

(b) When did he reach school?            

(c) Where did his father leave him?

(d) What did he do then?

 (e)  How was his experience on the first day at the new school?

3.Read the following text carefully and answer the questions. 

Einstein was a great scientist. He was born in 1879. As a child, Einstein was very lonely and shy. He preferred to play by himself in the parks and woods. He studied in a secondary school. He first realised the wonders of science at the age of four when he was introduced the magnets and their properties by his father. Einstein later said, "That experience made a deep lasting impression on me." Later his life as a kid, Einstein's uncle Jacob introduced him mathematics and specifically equations. He led a very simple life.

School was an unpleasant experience for Einstein. At the age of fifteen, Einstein went to Milan, Italy with his family. In Italy he felt free for the first time, with nobody to guide every step of his daily life. He travelled through countryside, visited museums and art galleries, attended concerts and lectures and most of all read books and more books. He had an incredible taste for knowledge. He died in 1955.

A. Complete the following table with the information given in the text. 1 × 5 = 5



Institute/Place/ Objectives



preferred to play

(i) ...................

in his childhood.



The wonders of science

(ii) ................


went to


(iii) ...................

(iv) ....................

felt free

in Italy

in his daily life.


(v) ....................


in his early life.

B. Read the passage again and write True or False beside the following statements. Give answers for the false statements.                                       1 × 5 = 5

(a) Einstein was born in 1989.

(b) He was very lonely and shy.

(c) His father introduced him with the iron and their qualities.

(d) In 1895, Einstein went to Milan, Italy.

(e) Einstein was not interested to go to school.

4.  Fill in the gaps using clues from the boxes. There are more words than necessary. 0.5× 10 = 5              













  We must not (a) — our energy and money any more. We need to take (b) — to educate our people. Emphasis (c) — be given on primary education. There should be at (d) — one primary school in (e) — and every village. Our government has made primary (f) — compulsory. A (g) — has been passed in the (h) — . To remove illiteracy from the (i) — some more steps may be taken. The (j) — adults need to be educated.

5.  The phrases in column A are the beginnings of some sentences. The phrases in column B are the endings. Match the phrases in column A with the phrases in column B to make complete sentences. 5

Column A

Column B

(i) Penicillin is a

(a) Dr. Alexander Fleming.

(ii)   It was discovered by

(b) the eight brothers and sisters.

(iii)  Fleming was born in

(c) with his parents.

(iv) He was the seventh of

(d) life-saving medicine.

(v) He passed his boyhood

(e) a poor family in Scotland.

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