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Paragraph: A tea stall

 Tea is a popular drink all over the world. So, a tea stall is commonplace for all classes of people. In a tea stall hot drink or tea is supplied. Biscuits, bread, bananas, betel leaf (পান) are also available here. It opens early in the morning and closes late at night. It is usually found at the turn ( মোড়) of the road, in the train station or steamer ghat, near a factory or an office. It is not well-furnished. Even in some, stalls there are no chairs but benches. A tea stall has normally two parts. In the front part, there are chairs, tables, and show-cases. In the other part, there is the kitchen. A boy is employed (চাকরি) in a tea-stall. Sometimes, the owner (মালিক) himself serves as the boy and the cashier. Different kinds of people gather (জমায়েত হয়) here. They refresh (সতেজ করে) themselves with a cup of tea and discuss (আলোচনা করা) different topics. Sometimes they discuss politics in a tea stall. Thus a tea-stall is a noisy and busy place. Really its utility (প্রয়োজনীয়তা) cannot be ignored (উপেক্ষিত).




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