Classification of virus
Classification of virus • Viruses are small obligate intracellular parasites, which by definition contain either a RNA or DNA genome surrounded by a protective, virus-coded protein coat. • Viruses range from the structurally simple and small parvoviruses and picornaviruses to the large and complex poxviruses and herpesviruses. • Viruses are classified on the basis of morphology, chemical composition, and mode of replication. • The viruses that infect humans are currently grouped into 21 families, reflecting only a small part of the spectrum of the multitude of different viruses whose host ranges extend from vertebrates to protozoa and from plants and fungi to bacteria. On the Basis of Genetic Material Present • Viruses are small, nonliving parasites, which cannot replicate outside of a host cell. • A virus consists of genetic information — either DNA or RNA — coated by a protein. • Accordingly, they are classified as DNA viruses and RNA viruses. • The nucleic...